Sunday, April 25, 2010

A weekend of festivities

This weekend was the Arts Festival here in town. It is a lot of fun that is literally right outside our front door. They close off Market Street to traffic which alone is fun for the kids. The entire main drag is lined with booths of artists selling their wares. Someday I have hopes that they will actually make it a juried art show and attract really amazing artists, but there are still some good finds in the masses of kitsch. It doesn't matter too much since I don't really get a chance to see any of it for more than a second as we pass on the way to something more kid friendly. The best part by far is the wide array of fair food. We had funnel cake for breakfast, crabcake sandwiches for the boys lunch and cheesesteaks and french fries for Mette and I at lunch, then after naptime we scored some ice cream. It was a good day. They set up kids activities in the park by our house complete with a petting zoo, pony rides and crafts. They also had a rather intensely religious puppet show that was quite loud which we did our best to avoid. Ahh, central PA. Despite calling out for ponies for 6 blocks leading up to the park, Otto wanted nothing to do with the ponies once we bought him a ticket to ride one. Good thing there were kids we knew everywhere and we were able to pass of the ticket to someone who would put it to use. He did come in with me to feed the goats and sheep. It was actually a good time to see his sensory processing in full swing. He was doing really well for a while but there was a point where he just was too overwhelmed to control himself anymore. He totally melted down and had to be put in the stroller and wheeled back home through the alley. Knowing that the meltdown was due to be over stimulated and understanding he needed to "reboot" helped me, but we still are working on ways to do that. Luckily we were close to home and bringing him home to his own space where he feels comfortable and was quiet helped tremendously. He settled down and was able to eat a little lunch. The rest of the day was still a series of battles, but I am hoping we will learn some ways to deal with them soon. Right now we are waiting for our complete daily plan which the therapist is working on for us. The idea is that we will have things we do everyday like swinging, playing with toys with different textures and joint compressions that will help teach him how to deal with stimulations that make him feel out of control and start to re-channel his central nervous system (that is where the joint compressions come in). The therapist said that once we really start challenging him everyday with these tasks it will initially lead to more meltdowns, but after two weeks things should get better. If that is the true it will be amazing. I have been reading about sensory processing disorder and looking for ways to help him during the tantrums because that is often when I feel the most helpless. One thing that I have found is that holding him in a tight hug may help to connect with him. If he will let me do that still stands to be seen, but I am willing to try. I am trying not to feel overwhelmed with information and new techniques and labels but if any of it helps him feel more in control and helps me make him feel better, then that is all that matters.

Through all of this, Mette is starting to talk like crazy. Words are flying out of that girls mouth all the time with more and more meaning. She is repeating things you say like it is nothing, "outside, goat, pig, daddy, apple, car, cat, meow, juice" when you say "ready, set" she screams "GO". She also now signs in sentence like phrases. "Go Outside" "eat more" "drink more juice" We went to the campus library today and I took her to look for some kids books. For the first few minutes I was able to distract her with a few books to look at while I searched for titles that looked good. Before too long though she realized she could bolt out the door and tear down the hallway which was a hilarious game. I would chase after her and bring her back squealing with delight only to have her tear out of the room again screaming with joy. Needless to say I got four books that looked decent that were by the door and that was it. We will have to go back for more.

Mette rocking her sunglasses on the way to the Arts Fest.

Otto and I feeding the goats.

Mette loves to dress up and today she wanted to wear Otto's Ferrari suit, since he wasn't too keen on that idea we got out his one from last year for Mette. Not cute at all!!

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