Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Eric's Phone

Eric's phone is cool. But that is not really what this post is about. Last night while looking at some very funny videos he took of the kids dancing to this (hands down our favorite song to dance to right now) I found a treasure chest of photos we had taken with his phone that never made it to the blog. His phone (iPhone 3GS) actually takes pretty decent pictures and there are many times when you want to take a picture but the camera isn't handy. Since eric always has his phone with him.... well you can figure out the rest. What follows here is a total mash up of late summer, but some great shots I had to share.

The first two photos are from the evening after Mette had her surgery. There was an event called "National Night Out" at the park in town. We thought it was going to be a small little thing with a firetruck and ambulance and maybe a medi-vac helicopter for the kids to see. We went because we thought Mette could chill in the stroller and watch what was going on and Otto would get a kick out of the firetruck etc... We had no idea there would be two live bands, a petting zoo, BMX and skateboard demonstrations, break dancing competions with people who could REALLY break dance, a zip line, free hot dogs, free snow cones, craft tents, give aways from every local organization, bouncy castles and slides and last but not least, both a medi-vac helicopter and a Black Hawk which flew in and landed right over our heads. It was insane to say the least. We ran into lots of friends and had a wonderful time despite it not being at all what we were expecting, it was so much more! It seems like something they do every year, you can bet we will be going again. The pool, which is right next to where all this is going on, is also open for free that night, just in case you got bored with everything else.
Otto was very excited to sit in the big helicopter and eric did not hesitate for even a second when Otto wanted him to sit with next to him.
These are some great shots of us on a Saturday morning jaunt to the orchard. The kids really love running around there, who can blame them?
Heading down in search of some white peaches, which I found. They were so delicious.
Mette is fast and takes off for the fields the moment she sees them.

This is the new deck that is coming right along at the cabin. Otto likes checking on Grandpa's stone work. Won't be too long before we can teach him how to mix mortar and backfill. Those were always my jobs. Well, I don't think I ever was really strong enough to mix the mortar, but I really liked playing with a trowel in the wet mortar. I remember making roads and smoothing it all out between bucketfulls.

It's just darn good light.
Where on earth does Otto get those eyebrows??? I mean really! This is a face he makes a lot. Eric took the kids to the neighbors to deliver some tomatoes. They seem thrilled!

Mette does not seem to be scared of dogs. She warms up to them pretty quick. Hugo is very gentle with her despite the fact that he is still a puppy himself. A fine way to play with a dog this size is to stick your arm in their mouth.
Dirt, a dog, a pickup truck, must be the cabin! Good times.
Mette was insistant that she could do the water guns just like Otto at Knoebels this year. She didn't get the concept of aim at all but seemed to have a lot of fun anyway.
The next three photos are an amazing triptych. The fact that eric took them with his phone makes them all the more amazing.

Summer time fun!

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