Friday, August 20, 2010

Hvad siger du?

Lately I really wish I could be in a place where they don't speak English. I find a certain comfort in having to figure out what is going on by paying attention and guessing instead of just listening. There is something mystical and of course mysterious to being able to let go of everything that is happening around you since, really you don't understand it anyway. I am sure I am feeling this way largely because my entire days are filled with constant narrations and questions from a three year old, interjected with 18 mo. old fragmented words and sentences. It is like being bombarded mentally all day. Otto needs questions answered and they are often good, real questions that you can't just leave hanging. Or, they are the same question he has asked over and over and over and over again. Mette is learning words and stringing them together at an amazing rate but it still takes great concentration, a good imagination and a leap of faith to put her words into phrases and stories. Enter the desire to escape. Sit in a cafe, on a crowded bus, stand in line and get lost in the sounds. Listening for repeating phrases and clues in inflection with the luxury of the time to let you mind bob quietly in a sea of sounds. I would like to again be in a situation where the exchange student mantra of "smile and nod" is all I need to get by. Alas, there is no such trip in the future but I suppose if I really am needing that kind of escape I could go hang out at the Amish stores outside of town. I understand just enough of what they are saying to be able to either eavesdrop or let it all wash over me.


Megan said...

Maybe you will find these amusing....or at least a distraction.


phoebe said...

Megan, your links are great!! Thanks.

Btw, today at weis I bought two glass bottles of Mexican coco-cola. I am not sure if I should have shared this with you, but you seem to be the person who would appreciate it the most. If it helps, I won't tell you where it is :)

Megan said...

Man, I was just there too! I am glad you told me now so maybe I will forget by the next time I go. Probably not though. Are they as good as I am imagining them to be?

Hope said...

I love this post. I have always been in awe of your ability to grasp what's important - even without language to guide you. Your year in Denmark was an amazing adventure but don't worry, you use those skills everyday! (well maybe not the speaking Danish part!) - I can't seem to express myself nearly as well as you did in this post! Maybe I should try Danish?