16% for height and 27% for weight, peanut status for sure.
Today was Mette's 2 yr. appointment. Because she is Mette it was all roses and lollipops and laughter. She clocked it at a whopping 24 lbs. Which is the first time she has tipped the scales higher than 20.6 at the dr.'s office, so that was huge. She stands a towering 33" high. Well, towering in her mind. Her head is a perfect 50%, but we knew that! Being as neither eric or I are giants of any measure the dr. said she looked to be right on target. When Mette entered the exam room she turned to me and said, about the nurse, "she wants to give me stickers". yeah, she has the gig down. Be sweet and cute and they give you stickers and lollipops. She started asking about the treat shortly thereafter. She was pulling out all the stops with "may I have a treat, please?". It was a quick answer to the "does she have 6 words?" that is part of the developmental questions you have to answer. She has six different ways of telling you she doesn't like what you have to say, thank you very much.
She also eats better than her big brother with a fork and spoon so check there.
She mastered stairs a long time ago, check.
Potty trained, check
Knows her colors, check
can scribble, check, circles, check
can point to (and tell you all about) her ears, eyes, mouth, nose, belly and feet
undress herself, check, sigh
put clothes back on, shows NO sign of interest in that!
It was a quick visit with a lot of "yup" coming from me. I am sure there were questions I should have been asking, but I can never preform in situations like that. Normally there are not shots at 2 years, but she was sick for her 18 month appt. so she got those two today. It was no big deal. They had Hello Kitty bandaids. Need I say more?
She did a fantastic job of charming up all the nurses and old ladies in the waiting room. That girls is trouble. She is so stinking cute and sweet, until things aren't going her way, then watch out!! Eric was always worried about her dating but he is starting to change his tune. The past few days she has been flexing her "I am 2" muscle quite a bit. She had a COMPLETE meltdown at dinner a few nights over what we think was the wrong drink being offered, but we aren't really sure. She had to be removed from the kitchen and stood in the dining room yelling "I screaming!" just in case we weren't sure. Eric thought perhaps we should just video tape it and when possible dates came by show then the video and casually mention, "hope you picked a good restaurant...". I think it might work very well.
I suppose I should be gushing about my BABY and how she is growing up so fast, but that just doesn't feel right. I love to hold and snuggle teeny tiny little creatures, don't get me wrong, but I really love little KIDS. The kind you can talk to, and believe in some magical world that you are reasoning with. Kids who tell you stories, and have opinions. Even if sometimes those opinions seem like they will take over your life. Right now Mette and Otto play together all the time. It is amazing. Having them so close in age is paying off big time right now. I am sure that won't always be the case so I am trying to be thankful for each day we have.
Besides, weighing a whopping 24 pounds, I can still sling her up on my hip like it is nothing, making her still seem like my little baby.